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Modern Knives Issue #8
Combative Drills & Skills
DVD ~ 90+ Minutes

Our Special Guest:
Ed Lawson
Combat Escrima Knife & Stick Drills


James Keating
Snake Rope Solo Training & Applications

Pete Kautz
The Figure-8 Stick Fighting Method

Musical Guest:
Raining Tractors
Psychedelic Hillbilly Fun

Modern Knives #8

Jim Keating opens MK#8 by teaching how to use a simple rope to develop snaking, locking, and disarming skills as part of your solo training regimen and then how to apply these same skills against an opponent.  He covers sensitivity, lock flow, and reactive movement based on universal lines of motion.  A great segment for all FMA practitioners and anyone who trains alone!


Next, Ed Lawson shares insights into his Combat Escrima system with us through a number of drills with stick and knife.  Ed was the official Pikiti Tersia representative to the US Army during his long military career and now works training Federal Law Enforcement, so his approach is very martial and down to earth, focused on getting results from training.  This is an information-rich segment and even old hands at the Filipino martial arts will likely find some new tricks and twists!

Finally, Pete Kautz's segment explores the long range (largo mano) Figure-8 Method of stick fighting using the middle-length 3-foot cane or hanbo.  Starting from solo drills to develop a 10-count downward and 10-count upward figure-8 pattern, the basic movements of the figure-8 are then put into application as continuous defense and counter attack against all angles of attack, and against one and two-handed weapons.  Simple to learn and universal in scope, the figure-8 method is a fast track to developing self defense skills.

Plus, as always, we bring you original music with returning musical guest Raining Tractors.  We'll be hearing selections from Threat, Southern Wall, and Drill Boss off of their 2007 CD titled Nix Vox.


As you can see, MK#8 is another jam-packed issue that's sure to keep you training for months!

Modern Knives DVDs Just $30 Each / 4 For Just $98

Modern Knives 4-Pack!  ANY FOUR ISSUES Just $98
Please List The Issues You Want By Number When Ordering - Thanks!

Modern Knives #1: The Spanish Fighting Arts
Cinco Teros Sword & Dagger Method (Pete Kautz)
Spanish Notch & Trapping Guards (James A. Keating)
Spanish Navaja Knives (James Loriega)

Modern Knives #2:
South East Asian Fighting Arts
Kerambit Hook Knife (James A. Keating)
Thrusting Triangle Drills (Pete Kautz)
Filipino Knife (Kelly Worden)

Modern Knives #3: Modern Knife Concepts
The Keating / Spyderco Chinook Folding Knife (James A. Keating)
Comtech Drawpoint Level I : Extensions & Variations (Pete Kautz)
Defeating the Surprise Knife Attack (Dale Seago)

Modern Knives #4: The Western Martial Arts
ingle-Action Revolver Twirling (James A. Keating)
Dagger of Medieval German Master Andre Lignitzer (Pete Kautz)
Basic Dagger from Master Fiore DeLiberi, 1410 (Bob Charron)

Modern Knives #5: The American Bowie Knife
The Bowie Knife & Revolver Method (James A. Keating)
The Bowie Knife & Saber Connection (Pete Kautz)
Defending The Snap Cut To The Hand (Dwight McLemore)
Forging The Fighting Bowie (Bill Bagwell)
Wearing The Bowie Knife Concealed (Mike Sastre)

Modern Knives #6: Filipino Stick Fighting
Filipino Police Stick Tactics - Releasing & Locking (James A. Keating)
Functionalizing Siniwali For Combat (Pete Kautz)
The Visadario (Counter the Counter) of Modern Arnis (Dr. Remy Presas)
The Sibat Filipino Long Staff ("Big" Ken Smith)

Modern Knives #7: The Grappling Arts
Knife Grappling From The 1992 Riddle Of Steel (James A. Keating)
3-Stage Lock Flow Sequences Out Of Hubud (Pete Kautz)
Western Catch Wrestling Conditioning & Submissions (Dr. Les Moore)
Fighting From The Ground VS. A Standing Opponent (Mark Hatamaker)

Modern Knives #8: Combative Drills & Skills
Snake Rope Solo Training & Applications (James A. Keating)
The Figure-8 Stick Fighting Method (Pete Kautz)
Combat Escrima Knife & Stick Drills (Ed Lawson)

Modern Knives #9: World Arts
Fighting Bandanna Quick Start Guide (Pete Kautz)
Comtech Spear (James A. Keating)
Sikaran Kicks, Sticks & Blades (Rob Simons)

Modern Knives #10: Fire & Steel - Gun & Knife Combat
Pistol & Walking Cane (James A. Keating)
Cinco Teros Knife Method (Pete Kautz)
Handgun Marksmanship (Laci Szabo)

Modern Knives #11: Savate, Sungkiti & The C.A.T.
Sungkiti Concepts - The Reverse Thrusting Line (James A. Keating)
Circular Attack Training (C.A.T.) Dummy Construction & Drills (Pete Kautz)
Savate Defense Dans La Rue Old School Savate Street Fighting (Craig Gemeiner)

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