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Stinger Self Defense Tool - Part
By Pete Kautz
Click HERE to Read Part
In the cool evening after work, this tiny piece of injection molded plastic and your training can be the difference that can help you or a loved one get home safely. Easy to carry, easy to use, and nearly-invisible in your hand, the Comtech Stinger Self Defense Tool is your 'secret weapon' that makes bad guys sit down and cry.
The Stinger Self Defense Tool instantly gives you the ability to punch like a Karate or Kung Fu master with little or no training. (And when you know how to optimize your strategies with the Stinger Self Defense Tool? Ooooohhhh....that's the good stuff!)
You may wonder, "Why is the Stinger Self Defense Tool better than other 'keychain defense' tools?"
►First of all, the Comtech Stinger Self Defense Tool is tiny and weighs next to nothing, so it rides in your pocket easy. Most keychain defense tools are frankly just too damn big so people leave them at home or bury them in a backpack or purse where they are next to useless. The Stinger Self Defense Tool is very convenient so you'll actually carry it every day and not leave it home in the kitchen junk drawer! What good is any tool if you don't have it when you need it?
►Second, the Comtech Stinger Self Defense Tool is instinctive to use - if you've ever punched anything in your life or even made a fist then you'll know just what to do with it! Add some proper training and woooo - you'll become a very hard person to lay hands on.
►Third, the Comtech Stinger Self Defense Tool is effectively invisible. When held in the hand it's 90%+ concealed, and even in plain sight most people you encounter will simply never know what it is unless you tell them.
►Fourth, the integrated training program for using the Comtech Stinger Self Defense Tool is designed for rapid learning and long-term retention of the material. In the first week of following the workout you will start to burn all the skills you need into your long term memory in just 10 minutes a day. Literally after just a few hours of practice you can become an expert with the Stinger Self Defense Tool and the skills will always be with you with little to no maintenance required.
►Fifth, even small people can very effectively use the Comtech Stinger Self Defense Tool to defend themselves because SPEED makes up for any difference in body mass. All you need is speed to hit with more power than you ever imagined possible. Don't think so? OK, read on...
Physics - The Comtech Stinger Self Defense Tool Advantage
The Laws of Physics state that (Mass X Speed) / Surface Area = POWER, so when you make the surface area only 1/8" across like the tip of the Stinger Self Defense Tool it dynamically increases your power! This means that what you might consider 'love taps' will be enough to make someone wince and yelp when you use a Stinger Self Defense Tool.
Take for example a relatively slow punch delivered with just the fist / arm. Let's presume no body power for sake of discussion - we want to start with a very weak strike to illustrate the difference a Stinger Self Defense Tool can make!
A Weak Punch Using the Fist:
(Mass 1/2 pound X Speed 30 mph) / Surface Area 10 sq. inches of your fist =
Power Rating of only 1.5! That's not so good, right?
The Identical Strike
Using the Stinger Self Defense Tool
(Mass 1/2 pound X Speed 30 mph) / Surface Area 1/4 sq. inch Stinger Tip =
Power Rating of 60!
Yep, you read that right, a Power Rating of 1.5 compared to 60 - meaning that the Stinger Self Defense Tool has 40 TIMES the Power Rating of the fist using identical strikes!
Isn't Physics cool?
Even a black belt expert who might be able to focus his punch onto a smaller surface area of his fist (the 'ram's head' knuckles) will still hit with at least 2-4 square inches of surface area as compared to 1/4 square inch for the Stinger. That means the Stinger Self Defense Tool will still hit at least 5 to 10 Times Harder than a Black Belt's Conditioned Fist with the same punch!
Try it on your own ribs and see how it feels...yowch! You won't hardly even notice the weak punch but just a tap with the Stinger Self Defense Tool hurts! Hence the name - the STING! Just like when a wasp stings you, it's a warning: There's more where that came from SO BACK OFF! And you do, right? You don't go and kick the wasp nest to get a bunch more stings - you leave - and that's the idea here for self defense.
If you already know martial arts then just imagine how much more power will your strikes gain with the Comtech Stinger Self Defense Tool? Ever worry what you'd do against a big dude who you had to tangle with but didn't want to terminally hurt? He isn't the kind of threat you draw a blade or pistol to deal with but force is needed NOW. In that case, the Stinger Self Defense Tool can be an ideal 'middle of the road' use of force option.
The Integrated Training
Regardless of how hard the Stinger Self Defense Tool can help you hit, you need to know what are the best strikes to use to get maximum results. This is why we designed the Stinger Self Defense Tool DVD program.
►How to carry the Stinger
Self Defense Tool unseen for optimal use and minimal visibility
►Where to strike with the Stinger Self
Defense Tool for eye-popping results
every time
►Invisible strikes that hit from concealment so they never see it coming
►Block any punch and counter strike with your Stinger
Self Defense Tool
and the natural weapons of the body
►What to do if they ever block your strike,
even if your can't see
►How to escape if they ever try to grab
your hand and turn the tables in your favor
►Learn to instinctively counter all forms of
common holds, pushes, chokes and so on
►Defense against the grappler and getting
up off the ground to safety
►How the Stinger Self Defense Tool skills relate to lethal force training with knife and pistol
►How to easily train and retain all these techniques
in just minutes a day
Vol. 1 Solo
Training Drills 70 Min Stinger history, carry, concealment, solo training drills using the focus mitt, use of the open hand, speed hitting patterns, and the 5 round Stinger workout that combines all your basics in just 10 to 20 minutes a day! ($30) |
Vol. 2 Basic
Partner Drills 70 Min How to practice everything you've learned so far with a partner using combinations of Stinger strikes and open hand techniques on the focus mitts, speed hitting on the shield, defending against punches, introduction to trapping range, countering the opponent's blocks, blindfolded trapping, and flashlight & Stinger! ($30) |
Vol. 3 Advanced Drills &
Scenarios 80 Min Sophisticating the drills you already know, countering any attempt to control your weapon hand, advanced trapping, structured actions in the flow, applied speed hitting, spontaneous situational self defense, defending against the grappler, getting back to your feet, and relation of all the material in this course to training with knife and pistol ($30) |
Stinger Self Defense Vol. 1-3
Set Only $78 - Includes a Free Stinger! Almost 4 hours of pure instruction on how to maximize the Comtech Stinger for personal defense. |