Now in its 5th year, the ISMAC event in Lansing,
Michigan was again a great time, with classes on all manner of
swordplay and Western martial arts related topics. From bata and
bareknuckle boxing to singletick and side-sword, there were classes
for every taste and style. Plus many of the instructors taught longer
intensive classes and offered private lessons, so there was as much
learning to be had as one could absorb!
I taught a special Comtech
Drawpoint Level I: Reverse-Grip Defensive
Knifecraft Three-Hour Masters Class at
this Event, as well as a second nighttime two-hour class on Drawpoint
Level II concepts that was well attended. We covered a lot of ground
in the practical application of these defensive knife skills with an
eye towards legality and the appropriate use of force, including the
unarmed application of the Drawpoint method.
Additionally, I ran a half-hour morning warm-up and workout both Saturday and Sunday, introducing folks to the joys of anaerobic conditioning (as opposed to the aerobic conditioning people are used to) at an early hour. A series of high intensity intervals of combative skills and calisthenics showed everyone how in under 10 minutes you can get a workout that will kick your behind! Plus we had some fun with unusual stretching, mass fighting, and breathing exercises.
I was really excited to meet for the first time some excellent instructors like Guy Windsor and Steve Huff as well as to get some more time chatting and swapping tips with folks I’ve known for years. It is always a sad thing that we only get to have a few days together at a shot, but on the other hand at least we get that much!
Thank you to all the students for your hard work and determination in learning. People were clearly focused and learning a lot in all the classes. Because everyone was there for the same reason we were able to go so much farther in our study than is sometimes possible, and do things that should seem “impossible” in the time allotted (such as having everyone in the class doing a .5 second draw and strike out of movement in the Drawpoint class after only 2 hours of hands on work).
A special howl from the Swamp to the four
sheep-dogs who took care of business on the street Saturday night
when the universe gave you all that “test”. While locals
walked by, you strangers rendered aid to those in need and prevented
two assaults in the process (maybe more) and should be commended for
your professional handling of the situation.
Also a raise of the paw to the fellows who hung tough in the
impromptu knife kill shot sparring / scenario combats we did outside
on Saturday. You really took it to each other and have the marks to
prove it, as well as the guts and skill. Always remember,
“preserve your life first”. Incense for next year? We will