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The Comtech DVDs
That Started The
Tactical Knife
Training Revolution!
James A. Keating
Comtech DVDs

Pete Kautz Alliance DVDs

Modern Knives DVDs

Training Gear

You Know It!
These DVDs Are
Top Notch Instruction
& Classic Jim Keating!
Tigger (Alliance) Buena (Comtech)

All DVD Titles Are IN STOCK Ready For Immediate Shipment!

Order Securely Online Or Call Us At - (607) 594-2250
Monday to Friday, 10:00am-6:00pm, Eastern Standard Time

To Check Out Our Weekly Specials On Great DVDs & Training Gear CLICK HERE!

New DVD By Pete Kautz

American Instinctive Rifle Shooting
Vol.1: BB Gun Basic Training For Deadeye Sharpshooting
"How To Shoot Targets On The Ground & In The Air
Without Ever Once Having To Use Your Sights"
Learn to shoot aerial and ground targets without ever using your sights!  This is the same skill that was used by old time performance shooters and taught to US Army troops in the Vietnam era.  Now you can do it too!

Order NOW & Get a FREE Copy of the RARE
Army Manual "Principles of a Quick Kill" on CD

Comtech New Millennium Titles

Four Volume Set Only $159

Lost Heads - Deadly Strikes of Kali

Vol.1 - Single Sword
Vol.2 - Double Swords
Vol.3 - Two Handed Sword
Vol.4 - Solo Form 'Senang'
Read More About Lost Heads HERE

Solo DVDs $49

HELLBOWS: Destructive Elbow Techniques
Integrate elbow shields with trapping and grappling to devastate your opponent at close range with one of the body's best weapons
Read More About Hellbows HERE

Dequerdes: Filipino Training Cross
Train your skills & reactions with open hands or weapons
anytime you want with this easy to build piece of equipment
Read More About Dequerdes HERE

Street Knife: Basics of Knife Training
Learn the essential basics of defensive use of edged weapons with James A. Keating  Aimed at the entry level practitioner, this DVD covers selecting a knife, opening techniques, quick deployments, use of the left hand and a number of combative drills.  Some you will not find elsewhere, including a solo-training device that will blow you away with both it's simplicity and it's applicability to training the reflexes needed for high speed blade work and defense.

Comtech Sword & Dagger Vol.1-2
The sword & dagger or espada y daga is considered one of the highest level forms in the Filipino martial arts, and now for the first time James Keating has put this material on DVD for you.  This 2 volume set teaches you everything you need to know about the sword & dagger to add them into your art or expand your skills.
Read More About Comtech Sword & Dagger V.1-2 HERE

Comtech Stick Fighting Vol.1-2
This new series covers all the basics of Filipino stick fighting the Comtech way.  Vol.1 covers Single Stick Techniques and Vol.2 expands your arsenal with Double Stick Techniques.
Read More About Comtech Stick Fighting V.1-2 HERE

Crossing the Bridge: Entry Into Close Combat
An ADVANCED LEVEL master-class on how to enter into close range and dominate the fight from there using trapping skills mixed with striking, locking, or use of weapons.  Jim Keating says "This is my favorite new DVD so far!"  More conceptual in nature this is pure gold.
Read More About Crossing the Bridge HERE

Drawpoint Master Class
Overview of the Comtech Reverse Grip Knife Method

This 47 minute DVD covers the main drills and concepts of the Drawpoint method.  Great as a rapid review for experienced students or as a general introduction for novices.  Learn Rolling & Picking, Cover & Slash, Hook & Pass, Combat Sets and more!


Comtech American Blade Craft
Solo DVDs $59.95 / Complete Set (6) $300

The Crossada
Learn point based fencing skills using the
Keating-designed Crossada fighting knife

Bowie Basics
Solo training progressions for attack and defense,
logic chains of motion, learn to train safe at home!

Deadly Backcuts
This is the master’s stroke and the 19th century “blow of assassins”
Learn this feared maneuver here

Bowies Airborne
Learn the American “Riverboat Gambler” style and
flashy Mexican styles of knife throwing step by step.

Double Knife Sets
Solo sets and partner drills for using a pair of Bowie knives,
including the famous playing card drill.

Advanced Spanish Notch,
Bowie Knife & Pistol Methods - Vol.6

Advanced Bowie knife and single-action revolver handling skill
segments drawn from Issues #1, #4 & #5 of Modern Knives

Complete American Blade Craft Set: 6 DVDs

Comtech Drawpoint Defensive Knife

Solo DVDs $59.95 / Complete Set (3) $159.95

Drawpoint I: Reverse Grip Knife
High-speed reverse grip knife skills are yours with
the Drawpoint series, starting with point-oriented methods.

Drawpoint II: Cover & Slash
Integration of edge and point in forward and reverse grips
plus translation to firearm, flashlight, and unarmed skills.

Drawpoint III: Pallasoot
Advanced hooking and passing techniques round out
the Drawpoint method for fast close-quarters self defense.

Complete Drawpoint Set: 3 DVDs

Comtech Conceptual Gold

Solo DVDs $59.95 / Complete Set (2) $112.00

The 5 Keys to Kali
Five simple actions of the upper body form an entire
matrix of fighting and grappling skills!  High-level theory.

The 7 Secrets of Silat
More essential combative motion analysis from the arts
of the Indonesian islands in a seven part-flow drill.

Complete Conceptual Gold Set: 2 DVDs

Comtech Knifecraft
Solo DVDs $49.95 / Complete Set (3) $120

Volume I: Basics
Drills, angles, and basics drawn from the Filipino knife
help to build the foundation with this tape.

Volume II: Intermediate
Dynamic two-man drills to enhance the skills learned in the basic level.

Volume III: Advanced
A dozen d
evastating combat sets using base disruptions,
body levers, sweeps, quick finishes and more on this hot DVD.

Complete Comtech Knifecraft Set: 3 DVDs

Comtech Trapping Series
Solo DVDs Vol.1-4 $49.95 / Complete Set (4) $160

Volume I: Basics & Developmental Drills
Slap, trap, and zap!  Learn advanced trapping the E-Z way
with these drill progressions and training methods.

Volume II: Applications & Advanced Drills
More of the unique Red Boat Wing Chun trapping hands
methods combined with Kali and JKD skills.

Volume III: Iron & Rattan Ring
This is the solo training tape you need if you use trapping!
The hoop is your portable mook jong wooden man!

Volume IV: The Art Of Flow
Learn how to flow between Lop Sao, Chi Sao & Hubud Lubud
and then insert your other martial skills in with the mix!

Complete Comtech Trapping Series Set: 4 DVDs

Comtech Bandanna
Solo DVDs $49.95 / Complete Set (2) $85

Volume I: Bandanna Defense Against a Knife
Bandanna used in combination with trapping
and grappling skills plus non-combative applications.

Volume II: Bandanna Against Unarmed Opponents
The humble bandanna, napkin, belt, rope, shirt, or pack-strap
can be transformed into a powerful defensive weapon

Complete Comtech Bandanna Set: 2 DVDs

Comtech Advanced Sumbrada

Advanced Sumbrada
If you think you “know” this drill check out this DVD,
it will blow your mind with variations on the “motion tree”!

Single DVD $49.95

Comtech Specificity / Train At Home Series
Solo DVDs $30

The 1992 Riddle Of Steel Training Camp
Comtech grappling, knife combat sets 1-12, unarmed translations of the knife, pushdagger and more from this early Riddle of Steel Camp.

Bits & Pieces Volume 1: Daggers & Disarms
“Live” Dagger seminar, knife disarming progressions and more
filmed down on the ranch Comtech style.

Bits & Pieces Volume 2:
Lock Flow, Stick Disarming & Throwing

"Live" joint-lock control seminar for LEOs plus stick training.

Combative Whip
How to use a whip effectively for combat, target drills, two-man drills, wrapping the arms & legs, and more.

The Comtech Crossada: Special Edition
The unreleased “Pirate Shirt” edition of “American Blade Craft 1” teaching the use of Keating's unique Crossada fighting knife.

Fighting Axe & Tomahawk
Hybrid East / West fighting skills with the axe and tomahawk plus a section on hawk throwing make this one a classic

Tomahawk II
An all-business, revised and advanced tomahawk DVD including 'hawk and Bowie knife, training against long weapons, and more!
Gekahai: The Lost Form Of Goju Ryu
This lesser-known kata is a stepping-stone between the older & newer forms of Goju Ryu with distinctive foot patterns, deep breathing, circular lines & hand actions of the old Okinawan fighting Karate
Low Line Traps, Body Levers & Blade Manipulations
An "out of the ordinary" mix of leg trapping skills incorporated
with grappling and exotic Indonesian blade manipulations

Panantukan Knife Boxing
Learn to use the boxer’s speed-bag like never before with
Filipino martial arts tactics, knives, elbows & trapping skills.

Push Daggers
A good basic tape for CQC with the pushdagger, utilizing aspects of trapping and boxing combined with blade skills.

Spyderco Civilian
Learn the unique abilities of this or any other “hookbill” style folder,
plus a section on lifesaving options as well.

Structured Lock Flow
Less than lethal control options using nerve impulse reversal and sensitivity skills to move from lock to lock

Tuite: The Art Within
Shadow blocks, joint locking, grappling, and other aspects hidden in the traditional forms - learn to apply what you already know from kata

X-Cane Vol.1
Basic striking and locking drills
you'll need to use the cane effectively

X-Cane Vol.2
Advanced drills, escapes, and
a special section on how to teach others


Comtech Blade Masters Package

American Blade Craft Volumes 1-6
Drawpoint Defensive Knife Volumes 1-3
Comtech Knifecraft Volumes 1-3
Plus Get Comtech Push Dagger DVD
& Two Sharkee Training Knives FREE

Learn Secrets Of Eastern / Western Knife Craft!
Normally 634.95 ~ Now Only $495


Comtech Progressive Force Masters Package

Conceptual Gold Volumes 1-2
Trapping Volumes 1-3
Bandanna Volumes 1-2
Plus Get Structured Lock Flow DVD
& Two Comtech Stingers FREE

High Level Less-Than-Lethal Skills Are Yours!

Normally $397 ~ Now Only $285


Pete Kautz Alliance Martial Arts DVDs


American Instinctive Rifle Shooting
Vol.1: BB Gun Basic Training For Deadeye Sharpshooting
"How To Shoot Targets On The Ground & In The Air
Without Ever Once Having To Use Your Sights"
Learn to shoot aerial and ground targets without ever using your sights!  This is the same skill that was used by old time performance shooters and taught to US Army troops in the Vietnam era.  Now you can do it too!

Order NOW & Get a FREE Copy of the RARE
Army Manual "Principles of a Quick Kill" on CD


Stinger Self Defense DVD Series
$49 each / Set of 3 only $120

Vol. 1 Solo Training Drills 70 Min
Stinger history, carry, concealment, solo training drills using the focus mitt, use of the open hand, speed hitting patterns, and the 5 round Stinger workout that combines all your basics in just 10 to 20 minutes a day!

Vol. 2 Basic Partner Drills 70 Min
How to practice everything you've learned so far with a partner using combinations of Stinger strikes and open hand techniques on the focus mitts, speed hitting on the shield, defending against punches, introduction to trapping range, countering the opponent's blocks, blindfolded trapping, and flashlight & Stinger!
Vol. 3 Advanced Drills & Scenarios 80 Min
Sophisticating the drills you already know, countering any attempt to control your weapon hand, advanced trapping, structured actions in the flow, applied speed hitting, spontaneous situational self defense, defending against the grappler, getting back to your feet, and relation of all the material in this course to training with knife and pistol
Stinger Self Defense Vol. 1-3 Set
Only $120 - Includes 3 Free Stingers!  Almost 4 hours of pure instruction on how to maximize the Comtech Stinger for personal defense.



Integrated Balisong:
Practical Butterfly Knife Tactics

This is NOT a 100-ways-of-knife-flipping tape!  Instead, Pete Kautz shows how to develop combative skill in opening and closing the balisong at real speed while doing complex freestyle drills with a partner.  By adding layers of pressure and resistance to your training the most simple things become complex!  Gain real skills with the balisong that you can count on under stress.  Essential keys to understanding this jewel of the Filipino martial arts.


Medieval German Unarmed Combat DVD
Click Here To Read All About Medieval German Unarmed Combat: Basic Strikes & Throws

Medieval German Unarmed Combat: Basic Strikes & Throws DVD - Only $49

Train At Home Series

The Indian Clubs
Conceptual Conditioning Tool For The Martial Artist
75 Minute DVD Only $30


New Audio CD By Pete Kautz
Audio CD Just $19.95

How to Double Your Martial Arts Learning Rate Damn Near Overnight
This 48 minute audio presentation lays out a step-by-step plan that has been used by for speed learning and goal achievement by Mr. Kautz's private students for years.  Discover how you can get more out of the next 3 months than you did out of all last year as far as really getting what you want out of the martial arts!  If you can follow instructions you can get real results.

Modern Knives DVDs
Solo DVDs $49 - See Below For Package Deals On MK

Modern Knives #1: The Spanish Fighting Arts
Cinco Teros Sword & Dagger Method (Pete Kautz)
Spanish Notch & Trapping Guards (James A. Keating)
Spanish Navaja Knives (James Loriega)

Modern Knives #2:
South East Asian Fighting Arts
Kerambit Hook Knife (James A. Keating)
Thrusting Triangle Drills (Pete Kautz)
Filipino Knife (Kelly Worden)

Modern Knives #3: Modern Knife Concepts
The Keating / Spyderco Chinook Folding Knife (James A. Keating)
Comtech Drawpoint Level I : Extensions & Variations (Pete Kautz)
Defeating the Surprise Knife Attack (Dale Seago)

Modern Knives #4: The Western Martial Arts
ingle-Action Revolver Twirling (James A. Keating)
Dagger of Medieval German Master Andre Lignitzer (Pete Kautz)
Basic Dagger from Master Fiore DeLiberi, 1410 (Bob Charron)

Modern Knives #5: The American Bowie Knife
The Bowie Knife & Revolver Method (James A. Keating)
The Bowie Knife & Saber Connection (Pete Kautz)
Defending The Snap Cut To The Hand (Dwight McLemore)
Forging The Fighting Bowie (Bill Bagwell)
Wearing The Bowie Knife Concealed (Mike Sastre)

Modern Knives #6: Filipino Stick Fighting
Filipino Police Stick Tactics - Releasing & Locking (James A. Keating)
Functionalizing Siniwali For Combat (Pete Kautz)
The Visadario (Counter the Counter) of Modern Arnis (Dr. Remy Presas)
The Sibat Filipino Long Staff ("Big" Ken Smith)

Modern Knives #7: The Grappling Arts
Knife Grappling From The 1992 Riddle Of Steel (James A. Keating)
3-Stage Lock Flow Sequences Out Of Hubud (Pete Kautz)
Western Catch Wrestling Conditioning & Submissions (Dr. Les Moore)
Fighting From The Ground VS. A Standing Opponent (Mark Hatamaker)

Modern Knives #8: Combative Drills & Skills
Snake Rope Solo Training & Applications (James A. Keating)
The Figure-8 Stick Fighting Method (Pete Kautz)
Combat Escrima Knife & Stick Drills (Ed Lawson)

Modern Knives #9: World Arts
Fighting Bandanna Quick Start Guide (Pete Kautz)
Comtech Spear (James A. Keating)
Sikaran Kicks, Sticks & Blades (Rob Simons)

Modern Knives #10: Fire & Steel - Gun & Knife Combat
Pistol & Walking Cane (James A. Keating)
Cinco Teros Knife Method (Pete Kautz)
Handgun Marksmanship (Laci Szabo)

Modern Knives DVD Packages

Get Any TWO Back Issues Just $79
Get Any FOUR Back Issues Just $149
Get Any SIX Back Issues Just $199
Get Any EIGHT Back Issues Just $249
E-Mail Lily HERE To Let Her Know Which Issues You Desire With These Packages!


Training Gear

Plastic Training Knives

Note: Now Available ONLY IN BLACK!
No Other Colors Are Being Manufactured
ONE For Only $12.95

TWO For Only $25

Need A Whole Bunch?  OK!
School Package TEN For Only $100

The Stinger

Black, Ice (Clear) & Blue Ice (Clear Blue)
Please List Color Choice In Comment Box
The Stinger is a non-lethal force multiplier that focuses your strikes into an area smaller than a finger tip.  Hit hard with no hand training!
The Stinger is instinctive and very easy to use.

Only $9.95 Each

Available in Black, Clear (Ice) & Blue Ice
(please list a first and second choice of color)

Also great for Pressure Point Healing arts


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